Massage therapy website

A massage therapy website needs to provide a lot of information.  To start with, visitors will be looking for a description of your services. It’s helpful to provide as much detail as possible so they know what to expect when they walk in your door. It also cuts down on additional questions.  A section discussing the many benefits of massage therapy would help as well.

making a massage therapy website work for you

Your massage therapy website would also need a contact form. An online calendar / scheduler would make the site very useful for visitors.  And since your scheduler is available 24/7, they can set appointments at their convenience. We can even set up an instant notification system so therapists know when they’ve booked.

To establish yourself as a knowledgeable leader in this industry, we can set up a blog where you can share health related tips, such as stretching exercises, or discussions on airborne toxins.

Professional images should be used to convey a relaxing, inviting atmosphere. If you need professional images, there are many free to low cost stock photography sites where massage therapy website images can be purchased.  We can provide the websites for you to look through, or we can suggest pictures that would work great.  If you’d like to invite a professional photographer to take pictures of your location and services you offer, we can make recommendations for that as well.

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